About Likes UP

Likes UP expresses the thoughts and ideas of Sherrie Rose. Likes UP started as a place to share business and entrepreneurial passions. Sherrie’s focus is the fulfillment of masterwork with her Be Legacy Worthy™ concept and the AuthorsPage.co . The articles are designed for entrepreneurs, coaches, authors, leaders and ideally for chief-contributors who are Chief Legacy Officers.

Are You Legacy Worthy? What Will Your Life’s Ending Chapter Say About You?   We reflect on our deepest values and aspirations when contemplating our lives and wonder, “Am I legacy worthy?” Each day presents an opportunity to craft a legacy-worthy tale—a masterwork of decisions, actions, and relationships that leave …

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TEDxSanDiego 2024’s theme, commUNITY, is inspired by the power of TEDx events to bringing our diverse community together to celebrate our 15th Year together.

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The enigmatic legacy of OJ Simpson to uncover the layers of fame, infamy, justice, injustice, and public perception that still reverberates today.

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The Cognitive Age: AI, LLM, and THINKING   The cognitive age marks a distinctive shift, where the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs) not only enhance our “thinking” capabilities but also presents significant opportunity for self-actualization or self-fulfillment. Self-actualization is a concept in psychology that refers …

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LEGACY WORTHY Anthems of Compassion: How 1980s Humanitarian Hits Transform the World   The Legacy Worthy fundraising efforts of the 1980s, epitomized by initiatives like “Band Aid” and “We Are the World,” were monumental in their impact on the global audience and continue to be revered for several reasons. Celebrity …

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