The Ageless Sager: How to Start Your Enhavim at Any Stage


The Ageless Sager: How to Start Your Enhavim at Any Stage


Are you ever too old to dream big, set new goals, and pursue a life with a meaningful “Enhavim”? The answer is a resounding “no.” In a world that often places undue emphasis on youth, it’s important to remember that the ability to make your mark on the world doesn’t have an expiration date. Whatever your stage in life or age, whether you’re in your 50s, 70s, or even 90s, you can become an ageless “Sager” – someone who continually seeks self-improvement, inspires others, and contributes to a better world. Remove any limitations and be Limitless.

A “Sager,” a fusion of “Elder” and “Sage” and “Eager” represents a person whose life story embodies the very essence of wisdom, experience, and a commitment to making the world a better place, regardless of age. This extraordinary individual defies the conventions of age, continually seeking self-improvement and, in doing so, brings about positive transformations at various levels – within their own life, their family, their community, and sometimes even the broader global context.

“Enhavim” rhymes with ‘From Dream to Enhavim,’ and you are never too old to dream big. “Enhavim” is not just a word; it’s a concept that encapsulates the essence of a meaningful endeavor. This concept resonates strongly with the spirit of the Ageless Sager. It underscores the idea that every stage of life is an opportunity to embrace new dreams and make your mark on the world. So, if you’re looking for a new endeavor, a late-in-life passion, or a way to leave a lasting legacy, take inspiration from the Ageless Sager and the essence of “Enhavim.” This is your invitation to start that project, write that book, launch that business, or make a difference in your community. Remember, it’s never too late to start your Enhavim and leave the world a better place than you found it.

The life of a Sager is evidence to the belief that learning and personal growth never have an expiry date. They are not content with resting on their laurels but instead embark on new endeavors, often late in life, to further enrich their own existence. They might pick up new skills, acquire knowledge, or embrace novel challenges, proving that life’s later chapters can be as, if not more, meaningful than the earlier ones.

This commitment to self-improvement inevitably spills over into the lives of their family members. As a source of wisdom and guidance, a Sager can serve as a role model, inspiring younger generations to pursue their dreams, overcome obstacles, and contribute to the betterment of society. In essence, they create a legacy of aspiration, resilience, and a relentless quest for personal betterment.

The impact of a Sager is not limited to their immediate family. Through their actions, they have a profound influence on their community, often acting as catalysts for positive change. Whether through acts of volunteerism, community leadership, or sharing their acquired knowledge and experience, they inspire others to join in the pursuit of collective well-being.

What makes a Sager truly exceptional is their potential to influence not only the local community but also the country or even the world. Through their late-life achievements, they may offer innovative solutions to global challenges, introduce fresh perspectives, or use their newfound expertise to address pressing issues. In doing so, they exemplify the concept that it’s never too late to make a lasting impact, regardless of age.

The concept of an Ageless Sager embodies the belief that life is an ongoing journey of learning and growth. It means choosing to embrace new challenges, regardless of your age. It means becoming a source of wisdom and guidance for those around you, especially the younger generations. The Ageless Sager recognizes that their impact isn’t confined to their immediate circle but extends to the community, the country, and sometimes the world.


SAGER = fusion of “Elder” and “Sage” and “Eager”

The word “sage” holds a distinct and multifaceted meaning beyond its association with the aromatic herb. In a non-botanical context, “sage” refers to a person who possesses exceptional wisdom, profound knowledge, and deep insight, often as a result of their life experiences and the thoughtful consideration of various aspects of existence. Here’s a description of the word “sage” in this context:

A “sage” is an individual who is recognized for their extraordinary wisdom and intellectual depth. This wisdom is typically acquired through a combination of factors, including personal experiences, extensive learning, and contemplation. Sages are revered for their ability to provide valuable insights, guidance, and solutions to complex problems. They have a profound understanding of human nature, the world, and the intricacies of life. Sages are often sought after as advisors, mentors, and sources of inspiration, and their words and actions are respected for their inherent sagacity.

The word “elder” carries a dual connotation of both respect and wisdom, particularly in the context of individuals who have lived a longer and more experienced life. Here’s the definition of “elder” in terms of respect and wisdom:

Respect: An “elder” is someone who is accorded a special level of respect due to their advanced age and the life experiences they have accumulated. This respect is often a societal and cultural recognition of their position as a senior member of a community or family. It implies showing deference, courtesy, and consideration for their insights and contributions.

Wisdom: “Elder” also signifies a repository of wisdom. As individuals age, they accumulate a wealth of knowledge, life lessons, and perspectives that come from experiencing the challenges, triumphs, and complexities of life. This wisdom is valued for its ability to provide guidance, offer solutions to problems, and offer a deeper understanding of human nature and the world.

In many cultures, the term “elder” is used to describe those who are not only older in age but also revered for their insights, often serving as mentors, advisors, and mediators within their communities. Elders are seen as sources of invaluable wisdom and are held in high esteem for their contributions to the betterment of society.

A Sager’s life is a tapestry of wisdom, growth, and contribution. Their journey defies the boundaries of time and showcases the timeless potential of the human spirit to inspire, uplift, and bring about positive change, no matter when in life they choose to embark on their extraordinary life.


Ageless Sagers Who Have Started New Enhavim Endeavors Later in Life

These individuals represent diverse fields and serve as inspiring examples of starting later in life and achieving recognition for their enhavim endeavor.

See what these bloomers have done, details for each follow:


Julia Hawkins:

Started at age 100

Area: Competitive running


Carmen Herrera:

Started at a later age, but the specific age is not mentioned in the provided information.

Area: Abstract art


Harry Bernstein:

Started at the age of 96

Area: Author and writing


Peter Mark Roget:

Started at age 73

Area: Lexicography (thesaurus)


Taikichiro Mori:

Started at the age of 51

Area: Real estate


Colonel Harland Sanders:

Started in his 60s

Area: Culinary and fast food


Laura Ingalls Wilder:

Started in her 60s

Area: Writing and literature


Grandma Moses (Anna Mary Robertson Moses):

Started in her late 70s

Area: Painting and folk art


Helen Hooven Santmyer:

Started at the age of 88

Area: Writing and literature


Diana Nyad:

Started training at the age of 60 to swim from Cuba to Florida in January 2010

Area: Long-distance swimming


Ageless Sagers New Enhavim Endeavors Details

Julia ‘Hurricane’ Hawkins setting records

Julia Hawkins, born on February 10, 1916, has become an extraordinary inspiration to many. As of October 2023, she is a remarkable 107 years old. Her journey is a testament to the indomitable human spirit, proving that age is no barrier to pursuing one’s passions and achieving greatness.

Julia is 107

Julia’s story gained prominence when, at the age of 100, she decided to embark on a competitive running career. She ventured into the world of track and field, a pursuit typically associated with much younger athletes. Despite the conventional wisdom that might have discouraged such an endeavor at her age, Julia defied expectations and made a name for herself in the world of senior athletics.



What makes her achievements even more remarkable is her success in sprinting events. She didn’t merely participate; she excelled, setting several records in her age group. Julia’s incredible dedication to her athletic pursuits demonstrated the incredible potential that lies within individuals, regardless of their age. Her story serves as a source of motivation and encouragement for people of all generations, emphasizing that it’s never too late to follow one’s passions and excel in them. Julia Hawkins stands as a living testament to the idea that with determination and perseverance, one can achieve greatness at any stage of life.


Carmen Herrera, a Cuban-American abstract artist, led a life characterized by persistence and creative genius. Born on May 31, 1915, she dedicated herself to the world of art and left an indelible mark that extended well into her later years. Carmen passed away on February 25, 2022, at the remarkable age of 106, leaving a legacy that spanned over a century.

Herrera’s artistic journey is a testament to the enduring power of creativity and the ageless quality of true artistic vision. While she was born in 1915, it wasn’t until her late 80s and early 90s that Carmen Herrera began to receive the widespread recognition she so rightfully deserved. Her artwork, characterized by its geometric and minimalist qualities, has been celebrated for its precision and elegance.

For much of her life, Carmen’s talents were largely overlooked by the art world. However, she persevered, and her dedication to her craft never wavered. It was in the latter part of her life that her work gained the attention it merited. Carmen Herrera’s art found its place in prestigious galleries and museums, and her unique approach to abstraction resonated with audiences around the world.

Carmen Herrera’s story is a reminder that creativity knows no age limits, and true artistry is eternal. Her life and work serve as an inspiration to artists and individuals of all ages, highlighting the importance of perseverance and the enduring power of artistic expression.


Harry Bernstein’s life and literary journey are a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and the possibility of achieving one’s dreams at any age. Born on May 30, 1910, he lived a remarkable century before his passing on June 3, 2011, at the age of 101.

Harry Bernstein was a British-born American author who found his true calling later in life. It was at the remarkable age of 96 that he penned his first book, “The Invisible Wall.” This memoir was a poignant and evocative account of his childhood experiences growing up in a Jewish immigrant community in England. Through the lens of his own life, Bernstein captured the essence of a bygone era and the struggles of immigrant families in a foreign land.

What makes Harry’s story even more remarkable is that his debut book was met with critical acclaim and recognition as a talented writer. He broke through the barriers of age and circumstance, demonstrating that one is never too old to pursue a passion. His late-life success became an inspiration to aspiring authors and writers, emphasizing that age should not be a deterrent to pursuing one’s dreams.

Harry Bernstein’s journey as an author didn’t stop with his first book. He continued to write several more books, proving that his newfound passion for storytelling was not a one-time endeavor but a lifelong commitment. His story serves as a reminder that it’s never too late to embrace one’s true calling and find success in the pursuit of one’s passion, no matter how advanced in years one may be.

Colonel Harland Sanders, an iconic figure
in the fast-food industry, was born on September 9, 1890, and his journey towards culinary fame continued until his passing on December 16, 1980, at the age of 90. His story is a testament to the idea that it’s never too late to embark on a new path in life.

Sanders’ early years were marked by a series of varied jobs and entrepreneurial pursuits. It wasn’t until he reached his 60s that he found the opportunity that would define his legacy. In 1952, at the age of 62, Colonel Sanders began working on perfecting his signature fried chicken recipe in the back of a gas station he owned in Corbin, Kentucky. He took the humble beginnings of a roadside eatery and turned it into the foundation of a global fast-food empire.

What set his fried chicken apart was the unique blend of 11 herbs and spices, which became the secret recipe behind Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Colonel Sanders was relentless in his pursuit of perfecting the flavors that would make KFC a household name. He traveled to countless restaurants, offering his recipe in exchange for a percentage of the sales.

Sanders’ perseverance paid off as KFC became synonymous with delicious fried chicken. The white suit and black string tie that became his trademark outfit added to the brand’s recognition. His late-in-life success not only brought him fame but also contributed to the popularization of fast food around the world.

Colonel Harland Sanders’ story is a testament to the idea that age is no obstacle to achieving one’s dreams and creating an enduring legacy. His late-life career change and commitment to perfecting his culinary creation demonstrate that a new passion or endeavor can lead to extraordinary success at any stage of life.


Peter Mark Roget, the distinguished British physician and lexicographer, left an indelible mark on the world of language and reference. Born on January 18, 1779, he continued to contribute to the literary landscape until his passing on September 12, 1869, at the age of 90. His legacy is celebrated for the creation of a tool that has become an indispensable resource for writers, speakers, and anyone seeking precise expression.

Roget’s journey towards his monumental achievement began to take shape later in life. At the age of 73, he embarked on a mission to compile and publish what would become “Roget’s Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases.” This groundbreaking reference work aimed to provide a systematic classification of words and ideas, enabling users to find synonyms and related words effortlessly.

The Thesaurus quickly gained recognition as an essential tool for writers, speakers, and students seeking to expand their vocabulary and enhance their writing. Roget’s categorization system organized words by their meanings, allowing users to find the right word to convey their thoughts accurately. This innovative approach to the English language made Roget’s Thesaurus a timeless resource for generations to come.

Peter Mark Roget’s determination to create a valuable linguistic resource later in life demonstrates that groundbreaking contributions to literature and language can be made at any age. His work serves as a testament to the enduring power of intellectual curiosity and dedication to knowledge, enriching the lives of countless individuals through the art of expression.


Taikichiro Mori, a renowned Japanese real estate tycoon, made an indelible mark on the world of business and real estate. Born on January 18, 1904, he continued his journey of success and entrepreneurship until his passing on January 30, 1993, at the age of 89. His story is a testament to the idea that remarkable accomplishments can be achieved later in life.

Mori’s early years were marked by various professional experiences, but it wasn’t until he reached the age of 51 that he found his true calling in the world of real estate. At this point in his life, he began his real estate career, and from there, his ascent to becoming one of the wealthiest individuals in Japan commenced.

Mori’s business acumen and innovative approach to real estate investments set him apart in the industry. He was instrumental in the development of some of Japan’s most iconic and modern buildings and structures. His vision transformed the Japanese real estate landscape and contributed significantly to the nation’s urban development.

Throughout his career, Mori demonstrated that age should never be a barrier to pursuing one’s entrepreneurial ambitions. His journey from a new beginning in real estate at the age of 51 to becoming a prominent figure in the industry exemplifies the boundless potential for success at any stage of life. Taikichiro Mori’s legacy as a late bloomer in the business world continues to inspire individuals to chase their dreams and entrepreneurial aspirations, no matter when they choose to embark on their path to success.


Laura Ingalls Wilder, a beloved American author, captivated readers of all ages with her iconic “Little House” series. Born on February 7, 1867, her literary journey continued until her passing on February 10, 1957, at the age of 90. Her story is a testament to the idea that remarkable literary achievements can be unlocked later in life.

Wilder’s early years were marked by the challenges and adventures of pioneer life, which would later serve as the foundation for her literary career. However, it wasn’t until she reached her 60s that she began the writing endeavor that would make her a household name.

Drawing from her own childhood experiences growing up in the American Midwest, Laura Ingalls Wilder embarked on a literary journey that resulted in the “Little House” series. Her stories, inspired by the challenges and joys of frontier life, resonated with readers across generations. Through her vivid storytelling, she transported readers to a bygone era, offering a window into the hardships and triumphs of the American frontier.


Grandma Moses, whose real name was Anna Mary Robertson Moses, left an indelible mark on the world of American folk art. Born on September 7, 1860, her artistic journey continued until her passing on December 13, 1961, at the age of 101. Her story is a testament to the idea that creativity knows no age limits and that the pursuit of artistic passions can lead to recognition at any stage in life.

For much of her life, Grandma Moses was primarily occupied with the duties of a homemaker, tending to her family and farm. It wasn’t until she reached her late 70s that she embarked on a new and unexpected chapter in her life – painting. Her art was inspired by the rural landscapes and scenes of her youth, depicting the simplicity and beauty of farm life and the changing seasons.

Grandma Moses’ late-in-life artistic career quickly garnered attention and recognition. Her paintings captured the hearts of the American public, and her folk art became celebrated for its nostalgic and evocative qualities. Her work was a reminder of the past, offering a glimpse into a bygone era of rural America.

Her late-life success as an artist became an inspiration to aspiring creative individuals, emphasizing that it’s never too late to embrace one’s artistic talents and share them with the world. Grandma Moses’ legacy as a late bloomer in the world of art continues to resonate with art enthusiasts and serves as a reminder that artistic expression is a timeless and ageless endeavor.


Helen Hooven Santmyer, a distinguished American author, is a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and the possibility of achieving one’s dreams at any age. Born on November 25, 1895, her literary journey continued until her passing on February 21, 1986, at the age of 90.

Helen Hooven Santmyer’s path to literary acclaim was a remarkable one. She spent the majority of her life as an academic and librarian, dedicating herself to education and the world of books. It wasn’t until she reached the remarkable age of 88 that she achieved recognition as a novelist. Her most well-known work, “And Ladies of the Club,” marked the beginning of her journey into the world of fiction.

This novel, set in a small Ohio town and spanning several generations, showcased her talent for storytelling and her ability to capture the essence of a bygone era. The book was met with critical acclaim and captured the hearts of readers, becoming a bestseller. Through her writing, Santmyer became a celebrated author and an inspiration to late bloomers in the literary world.

What makes Helen Hooven Santmyer’s story even more remarkable is her enduring commitment to storytelling. Her debut novel wasn’t a one-time endeavor but marked the beginning of her career as a novelist. Her late-life success serves as a powerful reminder that one is never too old to embrace their creative passions and find success as a writer. Her journey emphasizes that age is not a deterrent but an asset when it comes to pursuing one’s literary aspirations. Helen Hooven Santmyer’s legacy as a late bloomer in the world of literature continues to inspire writers of all ages.


Diana Nyad, an American author, journalist, and long-distance swimmer, has left an indelible mark on the worlds of sports and literature. Born on August 22, 1949, she continues to inspire people with her extraordinary achievements in multiple fields. Diana Nyad actively inspires others.

Nyad’s incredible journey as a long-distance swimmer began later in life and serves as a remarkable testament to perseverance and determination. She became internationally renowned for her historic swim from Cuba to Florida in 2013, a challenge she started at the age of 60.  In 2013, on her fifth attempt and at age 64, she succeeded in swimming from Havana, Cuba to Key West, Florida, completing the third known swim crossing of the Florida Straits after American Walter Poenisch in 1978 (at age 65), and Australian Susie Maroney in 1997 (at age 22).

Diana Nyad’s pursuit of open-water swimming, known for its physical and mental demands, was a testament to her unyielding spirit and a desire to achieve the extraordinary. Her historic swim was the culmination of numerous attempts and decades of dedication. It wasn’t a feat that was achieved easily; it was the result of grit, relentless training, and the unwavering belief that one could push the boundaries of what’s possible, regardless of age.

Diana Nyad’s accomplishments as a long-distance swimmer have served as a symbol of inspiration for people of all ages. Her late-in-life success demonstrates that the pursuit of personal goals and the achievement of remarkable feats are not limited by age. Nyad’s story is a resounding example of the human spirit’s boundless potential and the ability to turn dreams into reality, even later in life. Her journey continues to motivate individuals to chase their dreams, embrace challenges, and strive for greatness, regardless of their age.

Story of Diana made into a motion picture starring Jodie Foster and Annette Bening


Ageless Sagers: Alternative Expressions Defining a Stage in Life


The reaction of a person who is labeled as “elderly” or “old” can vary significantly depending on individual personality, self-perception, and the context in which the term is used. Here are a few possible reactions:

  • Acceptance: Some individuals may embrace the label “elderly” with a sense of pride and self-acceptance. They may see it as a recognition of their life experience and the wisdom that comes with age.
  • Neutral: Others may have a neutral reaction, considering it just a descriptive term without attaching any particular significance to it.
  • Resentment: In some cases, individuals might react with resentment or frustration, as they may feel that the term “elderly” carries stereotypes or societal expectations that they don’t identify with. They may perceive it as diminishing their capabilities or contributions.
  • Empowerment: Some individuals may use the label as a source of empowerment, viewing it as an opportunity to advocate for the needs and rights of older individuals and to challenge ageism.
  • Humor: A sense of humor can be another response, where individuals may playfully accept the label and even use it in self-deprecating or light-hearted ways.

People’s reactions to being labeled “elderly” are highly individual and can be influenced by various factors, including cultural background, personal experiences, and societal attitudes toward aging. Respectful and sensitive language use is crucial to ensure that such labels are received with dignity and consideration for the individual’s self-perception.

There are various alternative phrases and expressions for referring to seniors, older individuals, and those in their later stages of life. These terms aim to be more respectful and positive. Some common alternatives include “elderly,” “senior citizens,” “retirees,” “golden agers,” “silver generation,” “older adults,” “mature individuals,” “seniors,” “elders,” “wisdom keepers,” “third-agers,” “life veterans,” “experienced citizens,” “later-stage adults,” “seasoned citizens,” “elder statesmen/elder stateswomen,” “matured individuals,” “wise elders,”  “December Years” and “late bloomers.” Then there are “senile” “ancient” “geriatric” “old-ager” which are less endearing.  Some alternative expressions are discriminating and disrespectful while other words aim to be more inclusive, positive, and respectful when referring to older adults, emphasizing the value, wisdom, and experience that come with age.

Or, simply use the term, SAGER, fusion of  “Sage”  and “Elder” and “Eager”


Modern Legacy for Sagers


Today’s older population affectionately known as a sager*, have influenced by the changing landscape of aging, are reimagining the possibilities for their extended lifespans with an enhavim.

As the sager population expands, various aspects of society, including neighborhoods, workplaces, healthcare systems, media, education, transportation, and government at all levels, need to adapt to accommodate this transformation.

Demographic Shift:

The U.S. is undergoing a significant demographic transformation where sagers are projected to outnumber younger generations for the first time in history.

The perception of old age has shifted, with 80 becoming the new median age, replacing the previous notion that 60 was considered old. Today’s sagers are seen as more active, open-minded, and curious than their predecessors.

Positive Aspects of Aging:

A substantial majority of older adults, specifically those aged 65 and above, report that they are currently experiencing or anticipate the best phase of their lives.

The focus is shifting from staying “youthful” to feeling “useful” in retirement, with 83% of adults aged 65 and older prioritizing the latter.

Longevity and Health-span:

There’s a growing interest in extending both lifespan and health-span, with 71% of adults aged 50 and above expressing their willingness to take a pill that could grant them an additional 50 healthy years.

While lifespans have increased to an average of 77 years, health-spans (the years of good health) have lagged behind at an average of 66 years, resulting in a median of 12.4 years spent living with a disability or serious illness.

Changing Perspective on Aging:

The concept of aging is evolving, with 68% of adults aged 50 and above preferring the term “longevity” over “aging” when discussing the process of growing older.

The emphasis on staying “youthful” has been replaced by the importance of remaining useful and curious throughout life, according to 97% of adults aged 65 and above.

Legacy and Inheritance:

Values and life lessons are considered more significant to pass on to heirs and loved ones by two-thirds of adults aged 50 and above, while only 22% prioritize financial assets or real estate. This shift in perspective is poised to positively impact the lives of millions of Americans.


P.S. Sager is also a computer company name.
Sager is also a last name/surname.  There are many including Robert Sager, an American philanthropist and photographer, known for founding the Sager Family charitable organization.

P.P.S.  A play on the movie, TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY

  • Teacher (pass on knowledge) educate
  • Tiller (prepare) environment, preparation for growth
  • Sager (wisdom) mature
  • Spry (able bodied) health, mental













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