Likes UP: Google Plus Goes Social In A Big Way! Google+ is not a typical release. Developed under the code name Emerald Sea, it is the result of a lengthy and urgent effort involving almost all of the company’s products. Hundreds of engineers were involved in the effort. …
Likes UP: Urban Dictionary Submission–Will It Get The Thumbs UP Vote? Likes UP Definition for Urban Dictionary submitted June 29, 2001 by Liking Authority Likes UP are the new [Thumbs up]! If you have [recommended] something in the [real world] or [online] you give it a ’Likes Up!’ Likes UP …
Likes UP: Real Life, Real Liking and Social Networks Hangouts on Google Plus are an easy way to connect that even “feels” like you are together. This could compared to the Skype features but armed with a gmail account you don’t need to download any more software to get …
Likes UP: Call to “Get the Likes Up!” Does having a lot of LIKES on your Facebook page look cool? Here’s what Steve Beans says in Nov 2010 on the Reality Junkies: So about a month ago I put a call out to people to boost our FB …
Two Likes UP for the Social Network Movie Since Facebook started on campus, here’s what Her Campus has to say about the movie “The Social Network” giving it Two Likes UP! What has more than 500 million active users who spend over 700 billion minutes per month …