Happy New Year 2022 Greetings & Good Wishes


Happy New Year 2022!

Heartfelt greetings from Sherrie Rose. Thank you for your friendship, readership, and being a perfect reason to write, share, debate, and wonder.

Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. Best friendships are the ones that don’t fade away no matter what. Cheers to full year of joy and laughter. Spend time with your near and dear ones. Here’s to making more magical memories in 2022.

As this year ends, count your blessings and wish for more. New is the year, new are the hopes, new is the resolution, new are the spirits, and new are my warm wishes just for you.

Here’s to a bright New Year and a fond farewell to the old; here’s to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold.

“The changes in our life must come from the impossibility to live otherwise than according to the demands of our conscience, not from our mental resolution to try a new form of life.” – Leo Tolstoy

May your most frequent attire in the New Year be your smile and may 2022 bring you many reasons to smile!

Enjoy a new year as bright as your eyes, as sweet as your smile and as happy as your deepest love connections. Live with a heart that remains youthful and cheerful.

New Year’s Day (any day really) is the first page in a blank book: Write a phenomenal story!  Time to start a new chapter of life. Start your memoirs.

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” – Brad Paisley

A new year is a chance to make new beginnings and letting go of old regrets.  “Each year’s regrets are envelopes in which messages of hope are found for the New Year.” – John R. Dallas Jr.

Happy New Year 2022! Wishing you all a blissful new year. Hope that joy and success follow you in every sector of life.

May you fill your New Year with new adventures, accomplishments, and learnings!

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.” – Albert Einstein

May you live as long as you want and never have wants as long as you live!  “Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed.” – Cavett Robert

Spread kindness and cheer. Let’s make a New Year resolution to be there for each other and help fellow human beings in need even if we don’t know them personally.   

“Let our New Year’s resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word.” – Goran Persson

Every year brings with it new opportunities to mold yourself into what you want to be. “If you asked me for my New Year Resolution, it would be to find out who I am.” – Cyril Cusack

May your days be painted in gold. May your life be filled with diamonds. May the stars shine brightly on your world. May you have a fun-filled new year.

May you paint the blank canvas of this year with bright and happy colors! Colorful like the rainbow, brilliant like the sun, fragrant as roses and filled with cheer and fun. Wishing you a Happy New Year.

“Each year’s regrets are envelopes in which messages of hope are found for the New Year.” – John R. Dallas Jr.

Life is not about possession; it is about appreciation, new hopes. and aspirations.  “Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.” -Hal Borland

May you take every problem head-on and emerge unscathed. “One resolution I have made and try always to keep is this: To rise above the little things.” – John Burroughs

May the 12 months of the new year be full of new achievements for you.   “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” – Abraham Lincoln

May you be empowered with confidence to do well amidst competition. “How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them.” – Benjamin Franklin

“An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves” – Bill Vaughan

Life is nothing but a journey, an odyssey, an adventure, to be enjoyed in good company and with good family and friends. Celebrate every day to the fullest!

“Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.” – Alan Cohen

Here’s to the next 12 months of success, 52 weeks of laughter, 365 days of fun, 8,760 hours of joy, 525,600 minutes of good luck, and 31,536,000 seconds of happiness.

May the New Year 2022 bring you good health, love, happiness, and blessings! May you enjoy a year full of blessings and filled with new adventures. Wishing you and your family a safe, healthy, promising, and prosperous 2022 New Year!


I share this one last poem (author unknown) as we think about all those who have lost loved ones in 2021. May their memories be for a blessing.


I heard your voice in the wind today

And turned to see your face.

The warmth of the wind caressed me

as I stood silently in place.

I felt your touch in the sun today

As its warmth filled the sky.

I closed my eyes and for your embrace

and my spirit soared high.

I saw your eyes I the windowpane

As I watched the falling rain.

It seemed as each raindrop fell

it quietly said your name.

I held you close in my heart today

It made me feel complete.

You may have died… but you are not gone

you will always be a part of me.

As long as the sun shines…

The wind blows…

The rain falls…

You will live on inside of me forever

for that is all my heart knows.