Legacy Worthy Gratitude: Sept 21st World Gratitude Day

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World Gratitude Day September 21st


World Gratitude Day happens September 21st. This special day is about recognizing the power of gratitude in our lives and spreading appreciation to those around us. Read one to discover the origins of World Gratitude Day, ways to cultivate gratitude in our daily lives, the benefits of practicing gratitude, and how we can spread gratitude in our communities and relationships. Feel the magic of gratitude!


#1 The Origins of World Gratitude Day


The Origins of World Gratitude Day can be traced back to the year 1965. It was initiated by the United Nations Meditation Group, led by Sri Chinmoy.

World Gratitude Day launched in Hawaii at the International East-West Center during a Thanksgiving Dinner hosted by meditation guru Sri Chinmoy.  Delegates and high-ranking officials from more than a dozen countries, pledged to celebrate gratitude and to count blessings from their home country every September 21st all around the world.

The idea behind this special day was to create a global movement that promotes gratitude and appreciation. The group believed that gratitude has the power to transform individuals and societies, fostering a sense of unity and peace. In 1977, the United Nations officially recognized World Gratitude Day, designating September 21st as the annual celebration. Since then, people all over the world have been encouraged to take a moment to reflect on the things they are grateful for and express their gratitude to others. World Gratitude Day serves as a reminder to cultivate a grateful mindset and spread positivity throughout the world.

Extract from New Yorker Magazine (1984)

“World Gratitude Day, recognized by proclamation in thirty-eight States and two countries, falls each year at the time of the autumnal equinox and serves as a sort of secular, global Thanksgiving. In fact Mrs. Lemle got the idea at a reception she attended at the United Nations in 1963 a few days before Thanksgiving. She asked the Ambassador from Ceylon, now Sri Lanka, if his countrymen would join in Thanksgiving, and he said he did not think his people would adopt an American holiday.

“Mrs. Lemle proposed the new Celebration, with a different date but the same feeling. ‘Straight away, I told Eleanor Roosevelt about it and asked her to start it,’ Mrs. Lemle said. “Eleanor said, ‘Edna, you start it.’ I said, ‘I don’t know how to start a holiday.’ “But start it she did, and it has survived, and that is something. Mrs. Lemle seems to belong to a slightly old-fashioned breed that has managed somehow to steer clear of cynicism – that citrus canker of human affairs.

“’When you’re bothered, just stop and think of something to be grateful for — what it is doesn’t matter so much as the emotion,” she says and she is correct.

“Who comes to World Gratitude Day? Some followers of Sri Chinmoy, who is a religious leader, and some friends of Edna Lemle, and Richard Roffman, who has been a radio figure for 50 years and now works in TV… “I am grateful for the life I have lived” he told us…”

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#2 Cultivating Gratitude in Daily Life


Cultivating gratitude in daily life is essential for a positive mindset. It is a practice that involves consciously acknowledging and appreciating the good things in our lives, both big and small. One way to cultivate gratitude is by keeping a gratitude journal, where you write down three things you are grateful for each day. This helps shift your focus from what is lacking to what you already have. Another way is to express gratitude to others through kind words or gestures. Taking a moment to say thank you or showing appreciation can improve relationships and create a sense of connection. Additionally, practicing mindfulness and being present in the moment can help you notice and appreciate the simple joys in life. Cultivating gratitude in daily life can bring about a greater sense of happiness and contentment.

Clearly, gratitude is important with over 50,000 results for “gratitude” in Amazon books.


#3 The Benefits of Practicing Gratitude


Practicing gratitude has numerous benefits for individuals. It has been found to improve mental health by reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. When we express gratitude, our brains release dopamine and serotonin, which are neurotransmitters responsible for feelings of happiness and well-being. Additionally, gratitude can enhance our relationships with others. By expressing appreciation, we foster a sense of connection and strengthen bonds with loved ones. Gratitude also promotes better sleep, as it reduces stress and anxiety, allowing us to relax and fall asleep more easily. Moreover, practicing gratitude can increase resilience and improve overall life satisfaction. It helps us focus on the positive aspects of our lives and fosters a sense of contentment and fulfillment. Therefore, incorporating gratitude into our daily lives can have profound effects on our well-being and happiness.

Gratitude has been linked to improved mental health and physical in several ways:

  • Reduced Stress: When you focus on the positive aspects of your life and express gratitude for them, it can help reduce stress. Gratitude shifts your mindset from dwelling on problems to appreciating what you have, which in turn lowers cortisol levels (the stress hormone).
  • Enhanced Emotional Resilience: Grateful individuals tend to be more emotionally resilient. They are better equipped to cope with adversity and bounce back from difficult situations. This resilience comes from the perspective that even during challenging times, there are still things to be thankful for.
  • Increased Happiness: Regularly experiencing and expressing gratitude can lead to increased feelings of happiness and life satisfaction. When you acknowledge and appreciate the good things in your life, it boosts your overall mood and sense of well-being.

Gratitude can also have positive effects on your physical well-being.

  • Improved Sleep: Practicing gratitude before bedtime can improve the quality and duration of your sleep. When you focus on positive thoughts and experiences, it can reduce the racing thoughts and anxiety that often interfere with sleep.
  • Strengthened Immune System: Some studies suggest that gratitude can boost your immune system. Positive emotions, such as those generated by gratitude, may stimulate the production of beneficial hormones and neurotransmitters that support immune function.
  • Lowered Blood Pressure: Grateful individuals have been found to have lower blood pressure. This can reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems and contribute to overall better health.

Feeling and giving gratitude can lead to improved mental health, enhanced relationships, and various physical health benefits. By practicing gratitude regularly and consciously appreciating the positive aspects of your life, you can experience these profound advantages that contribute to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.


#4 Spreading Gratitude in Your Community


Spreading gratitude in your community can have a profound impact on the well-being and happiness of those around you. When you express gratitude towards others, it not only makes them feel appreciated and valued, but it also creates a ripple effect of positivity. Simple acts of kindness, such as writing thank-you notes or complimenting someone’s efforts, can go a long way in brightening someone’s day. Additionally, organizing community events focused on gratitude, such as a gratitude journaling workshop or a volunteer appreciation day, can foster a sense of connection and unity within your community. By spreading gratitude, you are not only improving the lives of others but also cultivating a culture of appreciation and positivity that can transform your community into a happier and more supportive place to live.

O World Gratitude Day!
I pray for you, I pray.
Man’s feeble climbing ray
Is one with God’s Vision-Play.
Compassion: highest gift.
Gratitude: fastest lift.
Only satisfaction-seed
Can feed man and God’s need.


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#5 Incorporating Gratitude into Relationships


Incorporating gratitude into relationships can enhance the bond between individuals and foster a deeper sense of appreciation and connection. Expressing gratitude towards our loved ones can strengthen the emotional intimacy and trust in the relationship. Simple acts of appreciation, such as saying “thank you” or writing a heartfelt note, can make a significant impact on the quality of our connections. Taking the time to acknowledge and appreciate the efforts and sacrifices made by our partners, friends, and family members can create a positive and supportive environment. Gratitude also helps us focus on the positive aspects of our relationships, promoting a sense of contentment and satisfaction. By practicing gratitude in our relationships, we can cultivate a more loving and harmonious bond with those we care about.

Relationship Riches depends on gratitude for the other person to enhance relationships. Gratitude plays a pivotal role in strengthening interpersonal relationships:

  • Improved Communication: Expressing gratitude to others shows them that you value and appreciate them. This can lead to better communication and understanding in your relationships. When people feel appreciated, they are more likely to reciprocate with kindness and support.
  • Increased Trust and Connection: Gratitude fosters trust and a sense of connection between individuals. When you express gratitude, it deepens your relationships because it signals that you don’t take others for granted and that you recognize their contributions to your life.
  • Conflict Resolution: Gratitude can be a powerful tool in resolving conflicts. By acknowledging the positive aspects of a person or situation, it can help diffuse tension and create a more conducive environment for resolving disagreements.


#6 How can I celebrate World Gratitude Day in a unique and meaningful way?


You can celebrate World Gratitude Day in a unique and meaningful way by expressing appreciation to those around you, performing acts of kindness, and reflecting on the things you are grateful for in your life.

There are no specific rituals or traditions associated with World Gratitude Day. However, individuals may choose to celebrate in their own unique and meaningful ways, such as writing thank-you notes or expressing gratitude to loved ones.

Practicing gratitude can have a positive impact on mental health by promoting feelings of happiness and contentment. However, it is important to note that excessive focus on gratitude without addressing underlying issues may not be helpful.

Yes, there is scientific evidence to support the benefits of gratitude. Numerous studies have shown that practicing gratitude can improve mental health, increase happiness, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.

You can encourage your friends and family to practice gratitude by sharing your own experiences and expressing gratitude towards them. You can also suggest keeping a gratitude journal or engaging in activities that promote gratitude, such as volunteering or mindfulness exercises.

Though not related to World Gratitude Day, the date September 21st has lived on in song since November of 1978, when Earth, Wind & Fire dropped “September” as part their first compilation album, The Best of Earth, Wind & Fire, Vol. 1.  Maurice White sings Do you remember/ The 21st night of September?/ Love was changing the minds of pretenders/ While chasing the clouds away.”  White simply liked the cadence of the date and how it fit into the song. Many have declared September 21st “Earth, Wind & Fire Day.”

World Gratitude Day on September 21st reminds us of the importance of cultivating gratitude in our daily lives. By practicing gratitude, we can experience numerous benefits, such as increased happiness, improved relationships, and reduced stress. Moreover, spreading gratitude in our communities can foster a sense of unity and positivity. Incorporating gratitude into our relationships can strengthen bonds and enhance overall well-being. Let us embrace this day as a reminder to be grateful and appreciate the blessings in our lives.

See also:  Not taking the blessings of peace for granted, we offer our perpetual thanksgiving. Every day.