Likes UP: Facebook Privacy–Not So Private   Facebook Security Flaw Reveals Zuckerberg’s Private Photos on shows personal photos of Mark Zuckerberg found in a Facebook security hole that enabled one hacker to expose Zuckerberg’s personal photos. “The method requires you to first locate the person you want to view …

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Likes UP: Facebook Timeline Rollout Starts in New Zealand Likes Up! Facebook Timeline Rollout – from Techcrunch “The country [New Zealand] was likely picked because it speaks English, which eases feedback processing, and isn’t as interconnected with the rest of the user base as some other countries.” Full Story on …

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Likes UP: Play “The Like Game” and Winner of iPad (Part 2) “The Like Game” is a real-world networking experience with the added bonus of a contest.  The person who collects the most completed “Like Game” cards wins an iPad. This all took place at an event put on by …

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Likes UP: Play “The Like Game” and Win and iPad (Part 1) The Like Game starts with a card used in real world social networking experience.  At the Outsource live event, promoters Daven Michaels and Beejal Parmar had all the seminar attendees get to know one another better with this …

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Likes UP: Two Likes UP (buy this button on zazzle) Two Likes Up This is a cool pin/ button you can put on whatever you heart desires. Buttons: two , likes , facebook , style , humour , buttons Two Likes Up LIKES UP #likesupBrowse more Two Buttons

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Likes UP:  Mari Smith Social Authority, 5 Cs, Credibility, and Facebook 5 Facebook Marketing Strategies On a webinar, Mari Smith spoke about steps to have a successful marketing strategy on Facebook. This webinar mapped out clear steps for a compelling Facebook campaign. The 5 “C’s help you effectively market your …

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  Likes UP:  Gmail’s New Look #likesup Last month Google changed the look and feel of the GMAIL interface.  Gmail users were alerted of this change when they logged into their Gmail account.  Jason, the User Experience Designer, was ready to share the details of the modern look, the new …

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Likes UP: Increment and Add UP, UP, UP (Thumbs Up Symbol PART TWO) Increment UP: An increment is an increase of some amount, either fixed or variable. Programming languages generally support a set of operators that are similar to operations in mathematics. The specification of a language will specify the …

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  Likes UP: Google Gobble Doodle for Thanksgiving Share, Share, Share   Google Doodle Share Link Check out the animation with feathers by clicking on the animation here: Gotta give Google for their A+ credit to link the holiday of thanks to G+ ! Happy Thanksgiving #LikesUP for Gratitude …

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  Josh and Scott have a goal and you can help – Their goal is to hit 5,000 customers before the end of the year!     Loving KickoffLabs! 60 seconds to create a social landing page in 60 seconds. Join me! Here’s the example of the page I …

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