Tag Archives: persuasion

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Clarity Is Power

“Everyone hears only what he understands.” – Goethe, scientist and and philosopher Eliminate any confusion. Get clear before you share your message. If you care about your audience, take the time to clarify your message and make it concise. You want to convey ideas that are effortless to recall. Keep …

Likes UP: 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive

As the Liking Authority, which refers to two principles made famous by author Robert Ciadlini because “People prefer to say ‘yes’ to those they know and like,” and “People respect authority – They want to follow the lead of real experts,” the 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive are …

Likes UP: The Liking Authority on Cialdini’s Influence

The biggest authority on the field of influence and persuasion is Robert Cialdini. Guy Kawasaki says his book is the de facto standard. Guy wields some serious influence, himself! The Liking Authority is Sherrie Rose. To guide you to become more effective at getting people do what you want, Cialdini …

Likes UP: "Broaden Your Business, Elevate Your Legacy" by Sherrie Rose