Business Relationships, JV (Joint Ventures) and Caring

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The “Relationship Riches” theme has been gaining momentum this year. 

Here’s was Kim Roach has to say:

There are other marketers who pretend to “care” about
their customers – but don’t seem to be able to answer
any emails.

Also not cool.

There are others who are trying to build “relationships”
with other marketers but at the end of the day – all
they really want is for them to promote their product.

Definitely not cool.

A relationship online is just like a relationship offline.

It’s a LOT more than just contacting someone when you
want them to promote for you.

Think about the people in your life who ONLY call when
they ‘need’ something. You probably avoid even answering
the phone if you have caller id 🙂

Building a relationship means YOU put in the effort first.

It means asking about their family. It means caring your
face off. It means asking the OTHER person what YOU can
do for them FIRST!!

Lots of people think you need 100′s of JV partners…

But the truth is you only need a handful of ‘strategic’
partners. People like you who are committed to providing
massive value to their customers and subscribers.

Things start to snowball from there.

If you look at any of the most successful businesses
online – you’ll find that almost ALL of them have
formed strategic alliances with other marketers.

No one gets to the top by themselves. You simply cannot
build your business to its greatest potential without
also building relationships with other like-minded entrepreneurs.

Give unconditionally – and it will come back 100x.


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