How To Make A Hundred Thousand Dollars

“How To Make A Hundred Thousand Dollars”

This question, How do i make a hundred thousand dollars? was posed on Yahoo and the favorite answer stated: “Other than starting a business, I don’t know how you will get that sum.”

Yes, you could also have a job that pays you $100K per year. Career track advice for college students recommends certain degrees that will lead to $100K jobs.

There are marketers who are promoting courses about “How To Make A Hundred Thousand Dollars.” There is also a book by a massage therapist, Meagan Holub, who has an accompanying video on YouTube “How to Make A Hundred Thousand Dollars A Year” as a massage therapist (20 massages/week x $100/Massage = $104K/year).

Melanie Benson Strick of Success Connections says, “…we are obsessed with the idea that we can have instant success by simply following a short-cut that someone else mapped out for us.”

Marketers who are promoting courses about “How To Make A Hundred Thousand Dollars” provide several examples of how to accomplish it by selling various products at different price points, for example:

– $37 e-books – sell 225 per month

– $100 tele-seminars – sell 84 per month

– $200 audio programs – sell.42 per month

– $1,000 DVD sets sell – 8.3 per month

What these marketers don’t tell you, however, is how big of a list of potential customers that you need to get 225 sales per month (or 84 sales, or 42 sales, 8.3 sales per month) to make your hundred thousand dollars per year.

What they also don’t tell you is what the expense is in time and money to create that list. You also have to get people to join the list and open the email and take you up on your offer.

To get a decent open rate and click-through before a sale can even be considered, a reputation and connection has to be built between the marketer and those on the list. Here is an example of what is needed over the course of a month (there are many other factors; example below is for $37 product for illustration purposes)

– List size: 188,000

– Open rate: 75,200 (40%)

– Click through: 11,280 (15%)

– Sales: 225.6

Now, this has to be done EVERY month! Of course, if your percentages are not that robust then your list size has to increase proportionately to stay on track to make make your hundred thousand dollars a year.

The marketers who sell these courses are telling the truth… you can make $100k selling these types of products… and here is the BUT….

The average person just starting out with no list (or even someone with a fairly decent-size list) who thinks they can quickly and easily “hit the big time” by selling some e-books, audio or DVD programs, or a few home-study courses is only getting a very small part of the story.

Unfortunately, there are more than a few unsuspecting and uneducated people who fall prey to these tactics without reverse-engineering the math to see what really is involved and how big a list they need (and advertising dollars to grow that list every month).

JVs or affiliates can help shorten the list-building time frame, but if a person wants to make that $100K for themselves, they’ll have to increase the number of opens, click-throughs, sales, etc. proportionately. Then there are returns, credit card declines, charge backs, and a number of other “unseen” expenses to deal with. Plus all the costs involved in operating the business.

Another marketer writes: Internet marketing, affiliate marketing, making money from home, all that stuff… Been doing it over a decade now and if you think you’d like to work with me, read on:

Point #1: You HAVE to be a self-starter and know some basics like, posting a blog, or a youtube video, keywords, things like that (not an expert, just SOME sort of knowledge).

Point #2: You must be serious and take action.

Point #3: You must have money. You’re going to buy ads and you’re going to be marketing FOR REAL. Not a TON of money, but if you can’t invest in your business, succeeding will be difficult.

Point #4: You will have to deal with people in some capacity. Customers, vendors, associates, affiliates, joint ventures, assistants, employees. Still in? Contact me.

As you can see, point #3 points to the truth that you need (some) money to make money for advertising, especially if you plan to make a hundred thousand dollars. And, if you are trying to escape a boss, point #4 indicates you still need to deal with people.

As the answer on Yahoo states: “Other than starting a business, I don’t know how you will get that sum [100K].” And like the point #2 above, you have to be serious, and point #1 you have to be a self-starter.

One very personable marketer shows you on video how to make a million dollars a year. Click here for the example from the video. What’s missing is the side of the equation that shows how to attract and grow a list of prospective clients that want what you are offering and are willing to pay for it.

It is easy to be lured into the how easy it is to make money and even a specific sum broken down into units. Just a word of caution: Get the facts and do the math. Find yourself a trustworthy mentor.



#LikesUP for Truth in Marketing

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