Likes UP: Be The First of Your Friend’s To LIKE this Post #likesup
Likes UP: Be The First of Your Friend’s To LIKE this Post #likesup
Be The First of Your Friend’s To LIKE this Post – photo on post of flyer #likesup
And while you’re at it, give a likes up and participate to help a little girl.
SOPHIE NEEDS YOU beyond the like.
Marketers For a Cause Register Now, Help Sophie & Get Your Chance At Over $12,785 In Prizes
Over 70 Generous Marketers Lending Their Products Or Promotional Support To Hell Sophie
Here’s The Current List Of SuperStars: (join us!)
Willie Crawford Russell Brunson Mike Woo Ming (Dr. Mike) Peter Parks Keith Baxter Matt Bacak Laura Betterly Harris Fellman Ryan Lee Bill McIntosh PowerPay Brian Bagnall Greg Reid Kate Buck Stephen Renton Paul Colligan Justin Brooke Matt Gill Eric Louviere Rob Burns Brian Horn Robert Stanley Mark Anthony Bates Tim Atkinson Sohail Khan Dax Aurand Ori Bengal Ross Goldberg Nick Peall Ran Aroussi Tai Lopez Andy Hussong Charles Kirkland Aaron AJ Martirano Zed Shah David King Justin Lee Howard Tiano Jason Drohn Aiden Chong Matthew Mintun Audrey Kerwood Bill Davis Mike Lewis Larry Michel Jefreaux Peairs Novalena Jennie Betancourt Pete Craig Mary Lyford Amid Yousef Phil Henderson Seth Larabee Alexandra Cattoni Rick Dearr Chris Daigle Marshall Wayne James Sides Jarrett Stevenson Brian Williams Ron Davies Roland Frasier Jonathan Herbert Amanda Van Der Gulik Chad Hamzeh Sherrie Rose Alicia Lyttle Daniel Tan Lester Lim Muhammad Siddique Phil Cullum Metodi Metev Russell DeCorte Eve Colantoni Andrew Baird Mick Moore Mike Moran Ted Ciuba Keith Eric Yates Greg Rollett Kevin Koskella
Likes UP: Something amazing is happening… Nearly every major Internet marketer has banded together
December 31st, 2011 Posted in Cause, Likes UP
Likes UP: Something amazing is happening… Nearly every major Internet marketer has banded together
Marketers For a Cause Together Helping Sophie & You Get Your Chance At Over $12,785 In Prizes
Dear Friend,
4 year old Sophie needs your help
Something amazing is happening… Nearly every major Internet marketer has banded together and are willing to give you over $10,000 in software, products, courses & services just for helping a small child in need.
I’ve joined forces with them & you’ve got to check this out:
Sherrie Rose
The Liking Authority
Sherrie Rose, The Liking Authority™ #likesup
Every penny of revenue generated from this goes straight to the family of a 4 year old girl with bone cancer. It will provide support and give her the strongest fighting chance of beating this terrible disease. Do everything you can to be part of this: