Likes UP: Facebook LIKE BUTTON Obsolete
Likes UP: Facebook LIKE BUTTON Obsolete
Read earlier: “While all the competitors were busy making that LIKE-type share button, Facebook was busy making the button obsolete. Today’s Open Graph changes represent a world where the button isn’t needed. Sure, it will continue to exist for certain types of content. But it will be more like an on/off switch.”
Facebook pulled an Apple. Apple releases something, and everyone in their space rushes to do the same thing. But they never realize that it’s a losing position. They’re skating to where the puck has been. Apple skates to where the puck is going to be. Facebook is skating to where the puck is going to be.
“A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.”
-Wayne Gretzky
Like Button – not going away anytime soon!
Addition: Sept 23 –
Facebook, Google+ announce new features
Companies are engaging in technological one-upsmanship as they battle for users, advertisers.
Maybe that is what the +1 is for…. one-upmanship?
#LikesUP – To Click or Not to Click. That is the question…