Likes UP: Google+ Song When You Needed an Invitation to Join Google+


Likes UP: Google+ Song History…When You Needed an Invitation

I’m Loving Google Plus!

Google+ started with invitations!  Everyone wanted a Google+ invitation.

Google Plus g+ invitation to join



Google+ allows you to +1 a post which basically means that you like it in some way.  It is also the easiest way of engaging without putting in any effort.
People look at their notifications in Google+ to see who has +1’d your post

But more important than a +1 is a comment on Google+.  So a comment that is simply the words LIKESUP with # hashtag in front of it can still get a +1 in return.


Facebook allows you to like a post which basically means that you like it in some way.  It is also the easiest way of engaging without putting in any effort.
People look at their notifications in Facebook to see who has liked your post

But more important than a thumbs up “like” is a comment on facebook.  So a comment that is simply the words LIKESUP with # hashtag in front of it can still get a “like” in return. 

See all the examples of people who like the comment #LikesUP









Often when you give a comment #LikesUP you will get a response in return and very often you will be mentioned.

Facebook uses the @ symbol for mentions.  Google+ uses both @ symbol and + symbol for mentions.

Simply type the symbol and continue typing a person’s name or a page name.



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