Relationship With Money – Your Money Magnetism

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Sherrie Rose, here, reminding you of my simple motto, The Real Currency is Relationship Riches. What I mean by this is that it is people that enrich your life and enrich your business.

But, you also have an interpersonal relationship with how you attract (or repel) money. According to Debbie Bermont, there are 3 simple steps to be a money magnet.

From the Desk of Debbie Bermont

Relationships are tricky devils. You can have love/hate relationships. Harmonious relationships. Needy relationships. Challenging relationships. Respectful relationships. Or a combination of all of these. Whatever or whomever you have a relationship with, it’s YOU that brings to the table your perspective, beliefs and actions that will affect that relationship.

In my newest audio program “How To Fast Track Your Money Magnetism in Less Than Seven Days”, you get a chance to take a deep look at your relationship with money including your perspectives, beliefs and actions you take which can adversely affect your financial wealth.

This course is designed for you to separate the emotional baggage you might be holding around money, to heal the emotional pain of not being financially where you think you should be and to commit to a future that is filled with prosperity.

This is a fast track journey. You can decide that transformation is possible, the shift from lack and constriction to abundance and prosperity can be quick and painless and your belief systems can change.

Click here for more information on how to fast track your money magnetism now!

Every moment you spend thinking about lack is a moment that could be spent thinking about possibility or about opportunities or about joy or about inner peace or about service to others. Every moment you live in self judgment is time spent dishonoring yourself, disrespecting yourself and leading down a rabbit hole that will NEVER make you happy.

This program is a journey with three steps:

Step One: Awareness
Step Two: Healing
Step Three: Action

Most people stay stuck in lack and fear and try and take action FROM a place of lack and fear which will only bring you A LOT of hard work and more of the same… lack and fear.

Or other people are very clear and aware of where they are stuck but resist healing in a way that they get to the other side of their internal pain and instead trigger themselves over and over again back into a place of pain.

The last group of people are aware that life isn’t working out, have done internal work to try and heal the past and still can’t figure out how to move forward.

It is for YOU to decide that this is YOUR time to change the course of your own destiny. I will show you the way to the door that unlocks the process to change your circumstances and only YOU can turn the key, unlock the door and walk across the threshold.

The Money Magnetism Program includes the recordings of my recent three part online series plus the handouts.


If you would like access to this program right NOW and change your relationship with money QUICKLY, you can get over a 50% savings on the program until December 9. Click here for details.

This program is powerful information that guides you through a very specific process and gives you insights into your own life and behavior that will change the way you think about money forever.

The special holiday price is as low as two payments of only $49.
This offer expires in a week. It’s my gift to you for taking action now.

There is only urgency to this offer if you are ready to make a commitment to create a completely harmonious, prosperous and abundant relationship with money now.


Debbie Bermont
Author of Outrageous Business Growth — The Fast Track To Explosive Sales In Any Economy

P.S. Wouldn’t you love money to come pouring into your direction BEFORE the holiday season begins? This program will show you how to be a money magnet RIGHT now.
The special $97 offer expires on December 9, so act now to respond.

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