Likes UP: Google Stream Integration Made Easy The widget allows you to show the visitors of your blog or website that you have a Google+ account. Therefore its a great opportunity to get in touch with your visitors! Here’s an example on the sidebar of the LikesUP blog for the …
Likes UP: Facebook Timeline covers and G+ at 43 Million Google+ has 43 million users, up 30% since opening publicly reports Mashable. Get the developers version and see what you can do like Chris Voss. #likesup
Likes UP: Facebook LIKE BUTTON Obsolete Read earlier: “While all the competitors were busy making that LIKE-type share button, Facebook was busy making the button obsolete. Today’s Open Graph changes represent a world where the button isn’t needed. Sure, it will continue to exist for certain types of content. …
Results Of My Survey If You Could Only Pick One Social Network, Which Would It Be? | The Chris Voss Show. Total G+ 55 FB 21 Linkedin 5 and Twitter 4 The survey from Chris Voss is actually from June 24 and is particularly surprising because G+ was …
Likes UP: Facebook Ticker Reveals All and Can be Eliminated in Google Chrome Chris Pirillo – 14:34 – Public on G+I like the new Facebook ticker. It’s showing me that I need to eliminate 90% of my “friends” / connections. to remove the facebook chatter box ticker via David …