Likes UP: Klout

Klout is now kaput.

​Effective, May 25, 2018, has sunset the Klout service and its website and service are now closed.

The Klout acquisition provided Lithium with valuable artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning capabilities, but Klout as a standalone service is now closed.  To the loyal Klouters – keep influencing!

One of the perks of Klout and several other social media platforms is that it gives you “perks” and “quests.”  These activate the b-spot (brain) to engage you with rewards called achievements.

The recent addition on the left side of the Klout page are several new icons for quests.


The green icon is to recognize influence and give +K’s.  This is a smart move because before it was not as easy to give a +K to another person.

The ability to identify and nurture these new “Citizen Influencers” on Klout gives marketers quick, inexpensive access to provide perks for the influencers. To extent that you can measure the sharing of content — that is what Klout is trying to do with the benefit of rewarding social participants for sharing with scores and achievement rewards!


The icon quest at the bottom is  an opportunity to connect all your networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other networks.  When you complete this quest, the icon disappears but not before…


In perfect Klout fashion, I receive a big Congratulations…



And an opportunity to share this new achievement via Twitter, Facebook and Linked In.  (So far no G+ button is automatically showing up to share.)


The Klout Score uses data from social networks (facebook, twitter, linked in , google plus, youtube, four square, tumbler, blogger, flicker and others) in order to measure:

  • True Reach: How many people you influence
  • Amplification: How much you influence them
  • Network Impact: The influence of your network

Adreynn posted her new Klout score on Facebook and received a new achievement, “Rolling in +K”



And the perks are showing up, too.  I have received free Moo business cards from Klout.


SWSX is part of a current perk to receive business insights.


There are time limits to Klout perks but it gives the perker an chance to give you a discount.


Quests are fun when you see the orange +K with the NEW marker letting you that you can use Klout influence!  Currently, it is Influencer Insanity. You can choose to skip a quest.




Klout Influencer Code of Ethics

  • Klout will never sell or give away your contact info.
  • Participating (or not participating) will not change your Klout Score.
  • If you accept the offer you are not required to do anything. We do not want to “buy” your tweets. You are receiving the product because you are influential and have authority on topics related to the product. This is a more targeted form of receiving a sample while shopping at the grocery store. You are welcome to tell the world you love the product, you hate the product or say nothing at all.
  • If you decide to talk about the product we will ask you to disclose that you received a sample

Tweets are mentioned because Twitter tweets are the biggest factor in creating VIRAL VOLUME that increases your Klout score.

#LikesUP for Klout

See also:  Likes UP: Klout Broadcaster, Thought Leader and Mark Schaefer’s new book about Klout entitled Return On Influence


The Liking Authority is Influenced by Robert Cialdini

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