It’s no secret that Google and Facebook have a good relationship going on.  Google claims to have indexed over 503 million pages within Facebook, and that was in 2009!  So when  you’re looking at increasing your search engine ranking, particularly on Facebook, look to your Facebook Business Page.  With …

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  The number one reason (according to Two Talking Cats) why you are not getting LIKES UP on your Facebook Business/Fan Page:   Your business, and the information you are sharing, is not relevant to them. Business owners seem be obsessed lately with like numbers.  (they want their LIKES UP …

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Guy Kawasaki reminisces about Steve Jobs (full transcript) Transcription of Guy Kawasaki’s impromptu reminiscence of Steve Jobs from the Social Media Examiner webinar. You can also hear the audio version here: I don’t know if everybody has heard, but about ten minutes ago, Apple announced that Steve Jobs died …

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Awesome video of Steve Jobs (RIP) and Bill Gates. 2007,  Run time 1:23   GeekWire link to video with Jobs and Gates at D7 conference in 2007 (Yes, Steve Jobs in black turtleneck in video) Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer issued the following statement tonight: “I want to express my deepest …

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Steve Jobs, the legendary Apple co-founder, has died at the age of 56. May his memory be always for a blessing. This  would be one of those times that a ‘likes down’ would apply.   The Love Bucket is a little emptier. website splash page honors Steve Jobs. …

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“There are millions of people who think the Ticker is the new Facebook. They’re in for a nasty surprise.” via Mashable   Facebook Timeline Delay Due to Registered Trademark Infringement excerpts A federal judge has refused to grant a temporary restraining order on Facebook at the request of, a small …

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Likes UP: Google Stream Integration Made Easy The widget allows you to show the visitors of your blog or website that you have a Google+ account. Therefore its a great opportunity to get in touch with your visitors! Here’s an example on the sidebar of the LikesUP blog for the …

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Likes UP: Facebook Timeline covers and G+ at 43 Million   Google+ has 43 million users, up 30% since opening publicly reports Mashable. Get the developers version and see what you can do like Chris Voss. #likesup

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Likes UP: Facebook LIKE BUTTON Obsolete   Read earlier: “While all the competitors were busy making that LIKE-type share button, Facebook was busy making the button obsolete. Today’s Open Graph changes represent a world where the button isn’t needed. Sure, it will continue to exist for certain types of content. …

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Results Of My Survey If You Could Only Pick One Social Network, Which Would It Be? | The Chris Voss Show.     Total G+ 55      FB 21      Linkedin 5     and Twitter 4 The survey from Chris Voss is actually from June 24 and is particularly surprising because G+ was …

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