About Likes UP

Likes UP expresses the thoughts and ideas of Sherrie Rose. Likes UP started as a place to share business and entrepreneurial passions. Sherrie’s focus is the fulfillment of masterwork with her Be Legacy Worthy™ concept and the AuthorsPage.co . The articles are designed for entrepreneurs, coaches, authors, leaders and ideally for chief-contributors who are Chief Legacy Officers.

Likes UP: Google Doodle “Happy Halloween” High Speed Pumpkin Carving   behind the scenes   Happy Hallowe’en #LikesUP

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Likes UP: Startup School and the Entrepreneur’s Way Are you a hacker who has thought about one day starting a startup? Have you already started it? Then you’re invited to a free, one-day startup school ( just finished on October 29 at Stanford University.) Presenting are a range of experts …

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sdf   Excerpts: When you consider the commitment Google has made to Plus, you have to figure that G+ today is a mere crude and clumsy approximation of what it will be a year from now. Sharing Circles with others. Groups. Circles. Handcrafted subsets of your friends, your acquaintances, and …

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It has been said that the greatest gift is the gift of undivided attention. With families splitting up first things in the morning into different directions for work, school, day care, and later in the day the commitments of sports, classes, volunteering, families rarely even eat dinner together. Do you …

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Mobile Marketing Association News Mobile Marketing Association 700 members have until Nov. 18, 2011 to comment and provide feedback on the guidelines before the final mobile privacy policy guidelines are released. Then it’s up to the members to implement them. The guidelines address key issues including: Annotated guidance on core …

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