Steve Job’s Biography by Walter Isaacson Click on image above or below for video or full story. 1. Magical thinking, Reality distortion field. 2. Being a great salesman. 3. Connection to Feeling. 4. 24/7 Live it, Breathe it, Love it. Google Plus “talk” about book started by Leo Laporte. Went …
via Mari Smith on Facebook Page Have you seen the latest “Life Events” Facebook wants you to go back in time and add to your Timeline? They added new ones lately! You can now go way back in time and add your First Word… and your First Kiss. Oh, and …
Likes UP–Are You Addicted to LIKES? This came up in a recent viral post on Google Plus entitled “Where should you post your status?” It was created by Breaking Copy. SO… are YOU addicted to Likes? You are in good company if you are because in …
Glass is a virtual transparency over the entire web where you can write notes “on top” of any website similar to writing on transparencies. A new service that installs into your browser can make LIKING and commenting easier. Share via email or social media. Sites that do not have social …
Likes UP: Google Doodle “Happy Halloween” High Speed Pumpkin Carving behind the scenes Happy Hallowe’en #LikesUP