About Likes UP

Likes UP expresses the thoughts and ideas of Sherrie Rose. Likes UP started as a place to share business and entrepreneurial passions. Sherrie’s focus is the fulfillment of masterwork with her Be Legacy Worthy™ concept and the AuthorsPage.co . The articles are designed for entrepreneurs, coaches, authors, leaders and ideally for chief-contributors who are Chief Legacy Officers.

Likes UP: Empower Network Problems in Paradise     Empower Network Co. If you’ve never had a blog, then Empower Network seems like magic. But if you have any experience, it is very slow, lack of ability to use the better features in WordPress dashboard, links don’t display, main “blog” …

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Likes UP: Facebook Timeline Mandatory Update on December 21, 2011 => Facebook Timeline is now available for ALL users. Timeline *replaces* your personal Facebook profile as you know it now. You have 7 days to review all your past content and make changes (edit privacy settings, delete old content you …

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Likes UP: Microchip ‘Mayor of Silicon Valley’ Honored   The fastest way to capture the attention of millions of people is to have a Google Doodle that sparks the imagination.   These are so popular you can purchase T-shirts with your favorite Google Doodle.   The Google homepage has made the surprise …

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Likes UP: Android Celebrates 10,000,000,000 app download with G+ Hangout @ 1:00pm As of 1:00pm, December 9, 2011, there are 143067 people or pages that have Android in their circles.  You can define the name of your circle with a title that makes sense to you or your page.  Android, …

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Likes UP: Attention Span and Email Collection/Opt-in Likes UP has not offered an email membership to readers until now.   Join today:  Likes UP!Free Membership Email: We respect your email privacy   It was Rob Jones who prompted this discussion with email optin.  The form above is a double opt-in.  However, …

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