About Likes UP

Likes UP expresses the thoughts and ideas of Sherrie Rose. Likes UP started as a place to share business and entrepreneurial passions. Sherrie’s focus is the fulfillment of masterwork with her Be Legacy Worthy™ concept and the AuthorsPage.co . The articles are designed for entrepreneurs, coaches, authors, leaders and ideally for chief-contributors who are Chief Legacy Officers.

Likes UP: Authority, The Liking Authority, Instant Authority and Semantics   In my “other life” I am a linguist.  In fact, a Love Linguist®.  The structure of our language merges with our thoughts and even what we are searching for online.  Google recently added Verbatim to their search because many …

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Likes UP: Somebody Up There Likes Me     The original movie [Rocky Graziano is building a career in crime, when he’s finally caught and arrested.  1956 film directed by Robert Wise. Starring Paul Newman, Pier Angeli, Everett Sloane.] The new movie for 2010 “ Somebody Up There Likes Me” …

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May Your Thanksgiving be bright with the beauty of nature and rich with love and happiness.   Happy Thanksgiving #LikesUP for Gratitude and Giving Thanks!

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  Likes UP: +1 Me Baby with Daris Musk   I thank Robert Scoble for alerting me to the original Hangout Concert with Daria on Google+ Dari’s voice is inviting and alluring.  She is fresh and real and her energy is catchy.  24,000 followers talks (and sings!) #LikesUP for +1 …

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Likes UP: Facebook Intercepting Google Plus Posts? A funny thing happened on the way to posting a comment on Facebook…     A VERY LARGE Facebook image displayed.   Google certainly did not set that image on their site. Mark Zuckerberg might change the image, but the link still goes to …

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