Likes UP: Google Circles and A Quick Look at Google Plus #LikesUP – To Click or Not to Click. That is the question…
Likes Up: I Like You! Liking: The Friendly Thief I never did quite understand the reasoning behind for this chapter title in Robert Cialdini’s book (Chapter 5 of Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion) but since his book is a winner and gets a big ‘Likes UP’ I will continue …
Likes UP: Check out the “Liking Authority” on Google Plus +1 The Liking Authority #LikesUP – To Click or Not to Click. That is the question…
Likes UP: Does the HEADLINE Cause You to Like or +1 without even reading the content? Excerpt: For Young People, the Headline is Enough The study also provides some interesting details about how students interact with these snippets of news and information: “Students now get their news in chunks …
Likes UP: LinkedIN IPO -Certified MENSA Genius Jim Trippon Tells All Social Media is about liking, commenting, and linking. Here’s commentary on LInkedIn’s IPO In mid-May, professional networking site Linked In (NYSE: LNKD) went public at an initial pricing of $45 a share, but by the time of its …