About Likes UP

Likes UP expresses the thoughts and ideas of Sherrie Rose. Likes UP started as a place to share business and entrepreneurial passions. Sherrie’s focus is the fulfillment of masterwork with her Be Legacy Worthy™ concept and the AuthorsPage.co . The articles are designed for entrepreneurs, coaches, authors, leaders and ideally for chief-contributors who are Chief Legacy Officers.

  In June 2001, Google release the Zero Moment of Truth.  In the online and mobile marketing worlds, it is about the click to take the next action, “To click or not to click”   Visit http://www.zeromomentoftruth.com  to get a free copy of Google’s marketing eBook and vook (eBook + …

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  Likes UP: The +1 Symbol for Achievement & Success {EAV_BLOG_VER:a45ddc52cf76d00e} The + symbol in front of the the K in the Klout social tracking system caught my attention.  First because of the + plus symbol and second because it reminded me of G+.  With yesterday’s launch of Google Plus …

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Likes UP: Using Google+ as a Page Once you’ve created a Google Plus page (from your personal profile) you can switch to your page.  Underneath your profile photo is a drop down menu.  Highlight the page and click. The message will appear: “You are now using Google+ as this page.  …

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Likes UP: Google Plus +1 for Brands and Business The brand owner from ZEN BIKES is using a Google+ “page” Google has finally unveiled brand page for Google+, allowing businesses and brands to join Google’s social network.  It is not a mainstream release.   You can add the Google+ business …

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Klout is now kaput. ​Effective, May 25, 2018, Lithium.com has sunset the Klout service and its website and service are now closed. The Klout acquisition provided Lithium with valuable artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning capabilities, but Klout as a standalone service is now closed.  To the loyal Klouters – …

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