About Likes UP

Likes UP expresses the thoughts and ideas of Sherrie Rose. Likes UP started as a place to share business and entrepreneurial passions. Sherrie’s focus is the fulfillment of masterwork with her Be Legacy Worthy™ concept and the AuthorsPage.co . The articles are designed for entrepreneurs, coaches, authors, leaders and ideally for chief-contributors who are Chief Legacy Officers.

Likes UP: Facebook Ticker Reveals All and Can be Eliminated in Google Chrome Chris Pirillo – 14:34 – Public on G+I like the new Facebook ticker. It’s showing me that I need to eliminate 90% of my “friends” / connections.   to remove the facebook chatter box ticker via David …

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Likes Up: Facebook F8 is starting https://www.facebook.com/f8 Facebook Timeline (get early developers edition and play with it before general release) TechCrunch.com and SearchEngineLand.com right on the Facebook Timeline stories   #LikesUP

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Likes UP: Facebook Changes the Newsfeed   Facebook Changes News Feed So You Never Miss Vital Updates See Video on Mashable “The changes, which will begin rolling out Tuesday night, are designed to keep you always up to date on the important events in your friends’ lives, even if you …

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Likes UP: How Technology is Changing Business   Click Likes UP image above for full story and see infographic Disruption and change Pace of business – speed on the rise Email outnumbers posted mail Adults buy more products online Telephone talk has decreased Businesses can not keep up Multiple Factors …

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Likes UP: Adding Connections on Facebook #LikesUP Adding connections: If you want to add more connections to your profile, just click “Like” on any Facebook Page. FB replaced the expression “Become a Fan” for Pages with “Like.” Clicking “Like” on a Page adds that connection in the related area of …

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