Likes UP: Like has more meaning- Replacing Facebook Fans with Liking Brands Facebook Users “Like” a Page to Become a Fan, not “Become a Fan” of a Facebook Business Page Changing terminology means page owners will want more LIKES on a Facebook Business Page Facebook Wants You to “Like” …
Likes UP: Social Media Product Launch Formula Article by Guy Kawaski Full Story Social Media Product Launch Formula 1. Facebook 2. Website 3. Review Copies 4. Email 5. Pay Per Click 6. Photo Contest 7. Quizzes 8. Infographic 9. Badges, Buttons, Banners and Stickers 10. Wallpapers 11. PowerPoint 12. …
Likes UP: Google Authorship Long story short: if you’re looking to help your search engine rankings, you might need a Google Profile (the backbone of Google+). Who you are as an individual is becoming more important in search ranking. Google Authorship – Matt Cutts and Othar Hansson …
”Like” is a way to give positive feedback or to connect with things you care about on Facebook. You can like content that your friends post to give them feedback or like a Page that you want to connect with on Facebook. You can also connect to content and Pages …
Likes UP: Ask for the “LIKE” Asking Users To “Like” Gets 216% Higher Interaction Rate Not surprising we see call to action posts asking users to “Comment” and “Like” have a higher interaction rate when compared to normal text statuses posted (not including photos, links, video, etc.) What is notable …